Welcome to the blog

Welcome to my bog – Building a startup.

I am writing this first blog post while I am still working at AWS and have not started building the startup yet. I am however preparing myself for the start by exploring different technology stacks and focus on getting back to handson work.

I have decided to start really frugal, meaning that everything I develop has to be able to run at my laptop for easy development and testing, it will be based on open source technology as much as possible, and as long as there are no end users, I will be hosting my experiments on premise, i.e. on a server in my basement.

This blog is hosted through a wordpress installation on and older computer I got from my mom. It has an intel i5 processor with 12 vcpus and 256GB SSD disk. I have upgraded it with 32 gb RAM and installed Proxmox as virtualization server. It is currently running about 6 virtual machines (as LXC containers), where one is hosting this wordpress site. Another LXC container is running Docker, and there I am running one nginx docker container as a reverse proxy. This container is the gateway to all containers on my onpremise setup and is accessed through my domain steenbrahe.com (which is registered at Route53 at AWS). My current plan is to host experiments as docker containers at the docker LXC container and use database and messaging servers as LXC containers. I have installed RabbitMQ and MongoDB but has not yet decided on the technology stack to use.

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